Aurelia Gonzalez is a junior majoring in Psychology who learned about the ATLAS Internship Program from the LAS Newsletter. Aurelia’s client is University Payroll and Benefits, and she works as a Documentation Specialist for them. Aurelia edits and transfers documents from one application to another, modifies documents so they are easier to understand for future viewers, organizes documents, and edits captions for videos. Currently, she is transferring Word documents to OneNote and is editing them for clarity. Aurelia is also working on editing captions for videos and uploading screenshots from videos to highlight significant or confusing segments. She has gained skills such as organization and adaptability and will take away knowledge on the importance of easy accessibility and captions. After she graduates, Aurelia plans on working for non-profit organizations or community outreach programs, specifically for low-income, minority communities. A fun fact about her is that she was born on Halloween.