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Emma Roder

Emma Roder is a senior studying English and Creative Writing. She heard about the ATLAS Internship Program her freshman year and then her advisor recommended it her junior year. Emma decided to join the program to have the opportunity to get professional work experience. She knew ATLAS has a lot of established connections at the university so she decided to sign up. Emma is a Team Leader for the Business Process Improvement Team. Some of her responsibilities include, helping to build forms for clients based on specifications, she is on-call for the FormBuilder Help Desk to assist any clients having issues with their forms, and she is the first line of communication between their new clients and the team. She has currently finished working with a Help Desk client from the Less Commonly Taught Language Program. They were having issues with the text merge fields in the confirmation/reviewal phases, as well as the emails being sent to the form submitter and admins. She met with them to help make sure their text merge fields were all working properly and to discuss their concerns with routing triggers. Emma’s future career plan has recently changed, she was previously planning on going to law school, but now she is preparing to apply for admissions to English graduate/PhD programs for Fall 2023. After she gets her graduate degree, she hopes to teach English Literature at any level. Emma will bring newly learned skills and experience, including the ability to effectively communicate very technical information, to the rest of her professional life.


Area of Study
Year at School