Garrett Credi is a freshman majoring in Mathematics. He first learned about ATLAS through the LAS Weekly and then attended one of its meetings. He works with Dr. Randy McCarthy as a Virtual Designer. Garrett and his team come up with, code, design, and create VR games. They create the story and the mechanics, figure out ways to implement our ideas into the game world through Unity, and then develop the internal logic using C#. Currently, Garrett is working on the spawning, navigation mechanics, and combat for in-game enemies. In the future, he plans to become a research mathematician. Garrett’s biggest takeaway from his internship is experience in VR programming. Because of his experience, one day, he would like to make a Minecraft-like game where players can play on different surfaces other than a flat plane. A fun fact about Garret is that he loves dogs so much that during a white elephant gift exchange at work he bartered with multiple people to try and get a mug that had a bunch of dogs on it and said "Happy Howl-idays."