Jared Lobo is a freshman studying mathematics and computer science. He was already aware of the ATLAS Internship Program before he was even in school and was immediately interested but decided to wait a semester to get acclimated to campus. He is working for the Student Money Management Center as their Data Analyst for social media. He is in charge of analyzing how their social media posts are doing by creating graphs and tracking trends. He uses that information to help their Social Media Specialist create more effective posts. Jared is hoping to have a career in either software development or data analysis. He has learned through his internship with ATLAS on how to create deadlines for himself and then actually follow-up on the deadlines. Jared's favorite part of the ATLAS Internship Program is the constant support he receives from his team and how there is no experience needed for an internship. Lastly, his favorite place to eat is at Orange in the Union!