Kai Wiest is a senior majoring in computer science and anthropology. He heard about the internship program from a friend and decided to apply! He interns as a Web Developer for the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL). He is working on the design and development of the e-text for Engaging Youth for Positive Change (EYPC) while keeping accessibility in mind. His responsibilities include designing the graphics and overall layout using HTML, CSS, and Adobe Illustrator. Kai is currently creating simple and sleek graphics that help to add color to the EYPC e-text. He is also implementing expand-collapse fields to cut down on the text to help users navigate the site more efficiently. Kai is grateful for the opportunity to apply his web accessibility skills to actual sites! He would like to be a Web Developer or a UI/UX Designer in the future, and knows this experience will help him get there. Kai is also a moderator for a Minecraft server!