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Keesan Patel

Keesan Patel is a sophomore majoring in economics. He heard about the internship program through the College of LAS's weekly newsletters and advertised on the TV screens in Lincoln Hall. Keesan interns as a Media Content Specialist for the Office of the Provost. He and his team are currently working on a faculty development podcast, called "Dear Alma". He emails faculty members to schedule recording sessions on Zoom, edits podcast audio, and holds weekly status meetings with Dr. Amy Santos, the Associate Provost for Faculty Development. Keesan virtually meets with faculty multiple times a week to record the podcast, remove background audio, and adjust sound levels. This specific project enabled him to learn software such as Audacity and Adobe Audition. This internship has allowed Keesan to become familiar with a wide range of faculty members, and develop communication skills with his peers and superiors. He would like to pursue an MBA and attend graduate school. He's hoping to work in the business sphere, specifically a career in finance or investing. Lastly, as a fun fact: Keesan's favorite place to eat out at is Taco Bell!

Intern Position
Area of Study
Year at School