Rahat Rizwan is a senior majoring in communication with a minor in business. She heard about the internship program at a career fair hosted by the Gies College of Business. She's worked with us for two semesters now as a Website Content Strategist. Rahat interns for the ATLAS Program itself, more specifically, on the ATLAS Communications Team. Her responsibilities include updating the site, creating new web pages for current events and resources, and creating and publishing intern spotlights. She is currently developing a resource page filled with tips and tricks on how to better adapt to online learning for both students and faculty members. She is very appreciative of the internship for providing her with an opportunity to take a Skills Track, a course designed to take her web development skills even further. She has also learned a great deal about Google Analytics, WordPress, Excel, and Drupal (a framework for web content management). Rahat is looking into web development as a potential career, largely thanks to her time as an intern. She is grateful to have received a technology based internship while studying in a non-tech field. In her free time, Rahat loves trying new recipes, painting, and will never say no to an adventure!