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Rahat Rizwan

Rahat Rizwan is a Senior majoring in Communication and minoring in Business! Rahat is a Website Content Strategist for the Office of Business and Financial Services! She heard about this opportunity through the Gies Career Fair. Rahat is working with a team of two other interns to re-model the Office of Business and Financial Services' website. Rahat is responsible for compiling data from similar sites from other universities, creating focus groups, interviewing systemwide units, analyzing and coding data from surveys, site mapping, and eventually looking at information architecture. Rahat is currently writing summative reports on the website reviews that her team has conducted on approximately 23 universities. From this, they determine what design and organizational layouts to implement within the new website. In the future, Rahat would like to work in the non-profit sector, eventually establishing her own to help women in South Asia gain access to education. Rahat has improved teamwork skills, learned how to work in a professional environment, and improved her time management! A fun fact about Rahat is that she used to think narwhals were the Earth's version of unicorns.

Intern Position
Area of Study
Year at School