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Samantha Ruiz

Samantha Ruiz is a senior studying Political Science and Communications, and she heard about the ATLAS Internship Program by reading a flyer in class. Samantha interns for Technology Services as their Communications Specialist. She creates and posts digital content on their social media accounts twice a week and researches, writes, and publishes monthly articles that focus on technology-related news on campus. Samantha is currently developing a resource that guides students through using Canvas just like they would use Moodle or Compass. Samantha appreciates that her internship has allowed her the pleasure of working with Technology Services, and she values the professional development she has gained. In terms of her future career plans, Samantha is interested in pursuing a career in policy research or lobbying but is still exploring her options. In addition to her career interests, Samantha enjoys reading, painting, and watching reality TV. 

Intern Position
Year at School