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Sean James

Sean James is a junior majoring in Astronomy. He heard about the ATLAS Internship Program from his academic advisor. He interns for Dr. Randy McCarthy as a VR Programmer and is responsible for developing code and ideas for VR games. Currently, Sean is working on developing NPCs that randomly spawn on his map. Additionally, within the Unity engine, he is working on attaching SFX to our NPCs and attaching textures to his map. In the future, Sean would like to start his own gaming company. In this, he hopes to use the skills of familiarization with working for a client, responding to meetings and emails in a business environment, and developing ideas to fruition that he has learned through his internship. As an avid movie-watcher, Sean enjoys watching anime and scary movies with his girlfriend but also loves to watch documentaries regarding astrophysics and aerospace. 




Intern Position
Area of Study
Year at School