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Victoria Mendoza

VictoriaMendoza is a senior majoring in Psychology. She learned about the ATLAS Internship Program from LAS Line-Up. Victoria is a Social Media Coordinator and Video Producer for Life + Career Design Lab (LCD) this summer. She develops strategies and creates graphic templates for posts on the LCD social media accounts in order to grow their following and promote the virtual lab that is currently being developed. For the virtual lab, Victoria creates video graphics to be used on the platform Topia in order to guidestudents on their journey through the lab and the tasks that they will perform. At the moment, she is creating the graphics that coincide with her social media strategy. This includes creating graphics to promote LCD services, to explain giveaways on LCD accounts, and to explain the virtual lab. Victoria will take away skills such as creativity, technological adaptability, and punctuality from her internship. She plans on attending the University of Illinois to obtain a master’s degree in both law and psychology. A fun fact about Victoria is that her favorite class is HDFS 494 because the class allowed her to work with kids to screen them for developmental delays.

Area of Study
Year at School