Adeline Tan
Adeline is a senior majoring in Econometrics & Quantitative Economics. She heard about the ATLAS program through newsletters. Her internship client is Feeding Our Kids, and she is a Social Media...
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Samantha Ruiz
Samantha Ruiz is a junior majoring in Political Science. After hearing about the internship from a flyer she received in class, she decided to apply to the ATLAS program and is currently the...
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Cunyuan Lu
Cunyuan Lu is a junior majoring in Statistics and Computer Science. He decided to apply to the ATLAS Internship Program after hearing about it from his advisor. Cunyuan is the Web App Developer for...
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Shuning Yang
Shuning Yang is a senior majoring in Math and Statistics. She heard about the ATLAS program from a friend and decided to apply! She is currently the Business Analyst for the Saddleye and her main...
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Elizabeth Jones
Elizabeth Jones is a senior double-majoring in Chemistry and Psychology with a concentration in Behavioral Neuroscience. Elizabeth heard about the ATLAS Internship Program through the LAS newsletter...
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Ethan Walter
Ethan Walter is a senior majoring in English. He heard about the ATLAS Internship Program from Dr. Kirstin Wilcox during a visit to the Humanities Professional Resource Center. Ethan is a Website...
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Brooke Ingram
Brooke Ingram is a senior majoring in Psychology who heard about ATLAS through a friend. Brooke works for the University Payroll and Benefits as a DataAnalysis intern. Her tasks include cleaning,...
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Chenfei Hu
Chenfei Hu is a Junior studying Math + Statistics. Chenfei is a Software Developer for Michelle Rome, Manager of App Development and Reporting Services for the College of LAS! Chenfei is responsible...
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