You need your campus NetID Password to use our computers. If you don't know your password, our desk staff in G8 FLB can help you reset it. Or for a complete & official explanation of your passwords, please visit the Technology Services Password Page or a CITES help desk
This page contains information to help you use our classrooms and labs.
See also: known issues and Equipment Guide.
Headsets are available for all classroom and lab computers (except room G58 FLB). If you have trouble with the microphone, you may need to verify the computer audio settings are correct. These instructions may vary slightly or appear slightly different depending on the model of computer you are using.
- If there is a volume knob on the headphone cable, be sure it is turned up (towards the +).
- Make sure the headset is plugged into the FRONT of the computer, not the back (unless you are in G27, where there's only 1 place to plug in the headset).
Don't hear anything when playing back a recording?
- Make sure the volume icon in the bottom right corner of the computer isn't muted.
- Make sure the right input is selected. When you first log in, you'll be prompted to select Microphone, but if it got skipped, you can do it manually.
- Right-click on the volume icon in the bottom right corner of your screen. Click on "Recording Devices" in the pop-up box, and select the “Microphone (Soundmax integrated)” option, usually the second option in the list.
- For web-based recording software (like Wimba), you may also need to change a setting in the web application to tell it to use the front audio mic (instead of the back). Under the Options icon, for input, choose “Microphone (Soundmax integrated)” which is usually the second option in the list.
- Audacity - there is a Microphone drop down list in the middle of the window. Choose “Microphone (Soundmax integrated)” which is usually the second option in the list.
Bad Recording Quality?
- If the quality of sound recordings are bad, right-click the volume icon in system tray.
- Click on "Recording Devices" in the pop-up box.
- Click the "Recordings" tab and double-click the microphone icon.
- Levels Tab: You may want to adjust the microphone recording level. If it's turned up really high, try setting it around 7-10.
- Advanced Tab: here you can change the recording quality to a different setting if you prefer.
- Microphone boost: this will either be under the "levels" tab or the "custom" tab, depending on which model of computer you're using. Try checking/unchecking the box to see if that helps.
- Software, like Audacity, may have its own input level for the mic. Try adjusting that.
- OTHER: If you unplug the headset with recording software open and then plug it back in, the application may crash. The computer may no longer recognize that the headset is connected, which is a limitation of Windows. Try logging off and logging back on. Also, closing the application before removing the headsets may help avoid the problem
ATLAS lab and classroom computers can be configured so that you can type in non-English languages. You will choose an input language and a keyboard layout. Students should talk to their instructors to find out the proper settings. Spelling and grammar check may be available as well, but we have found these tools to be somewhat faulty, so please don't rely solely on them.
Set-up Instructions
- Go to: Start > Control Panel> Region & Language.
- In the new window, under the "Formats" tab, choose the desired input language from the drop-down list.
- Click APPLY.
- Then, if you want to change the keyboard:
- Click: Keyboards & Languages > Change Keyboards > Add.
- Scroll down the list until you find the right language and click + to expand the list.
- Click the + next to "keyboards" to expand that list, too, and then check the boxes for whichever keyboards you want.
- Then click the following to make the changes: OK, Apply, OK, OK.
- If you chose the wrong input locale/language or keyboard layout, go back and click the REMOVE button. Then start over
- SPELL CHECK: To use spell check in a foreign language (it will only work for English, French & Spanish in our rooms), you MUST follow the all of the steps above first. Be aware that though the spell check does work, it does not do a very good job of catching mistakes in at least French and Spanish.