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Alex Kaptur Guzman

Alex Kaptur Guzman is a junior majoring in Communication. He heard about the ATLAS Internship Program through email and by word of mouth.  Alex’s client is the University Bursar Student Money Management Center (SMMC) at the University of Illinois. He is a Communications Specialist whose duties include creating content for multiple audiences through social media, e-newsletters, press releases, etc. This includes creating graphics, writing blurbs and news updates, as well as participating in interactive events such as a Tweet Chat. This job also requires him to work closely with data analysts to devise new ways of reaching their audience and advertising the SMMC and all of its amenities. The SMMC's priority is to help students access financial information and tips as they please. Alex also has three meetings per week with his team that consists of brainstorming, planning weekly schedules and events, as well as a weekly presentation to the client. During his ATLAS Internship, Alex has learned to write for a unique-mediated audience, how to write a newsletter, how to write a press release, and how to run a professional social media account. He hopes to use these skills as he pursues a career in Communications or Public Relations. A fun fact about Alex is that his favorite movie is Interstellar, and he has always been a big fan of American history!

Intern Position
Area of Study
Year at School