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Yeibin Park

Yeibin Park is a statistics major in her junior year. She learned about the ATLAS Internship Program through the LAS Lineup Newsletter. She is working for the Student Money Management Center (SMCC) as a Data Analyst. She is working on a team to analyze data from the University of Illinois system institutions: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Chicago and University of Springfield. The data she is analyzing details what the students are being charged for from their student accounts; she is also working to see if there are any patterns within this data set. Yeibin is hoping to attend graduate school after she finishes her undergraduate degree, specifically with the intent to further her experience as a Data Analyst. She will take her experiences of applying numbers to real life scenarios with her in the future. Yeibin’s favorite dessert is brownies!

Intern Position
Area of Study
Year at School