Andrea Ayala is a sophomore studying economics and math. She is working for the Student Money Management Center (SMMC) as a Data Analyst specializing in social media engagement. Her job includes...
Christabel Oketona is a junior studying communications. She was encouraged to apply for the internship program from a friend, and she is happy she did! Christabel is working for Professor Burke...
Alex Novack is a veteran intern and has been with the internship program for a while! He is currently a senior studying astronomy. Alex is working with Peter Miller as a Tech Support Technician ...
Evan March is a freshman studying actuarial science. He is working with Professor Thornton, an economics professor. He is working as a Data Analyst collecting vital statistics dealing with...
Haemi Jung is an advertising major with a minor in informatics. She is currently a sophomore interning with the Crisis Nursery. She is working as their Communications Specialist, but mostly...
Jared Lobo is a freshman studying mathematics and computer science. He was already aware of the ATLAS Internship Program before he was even in school and was immediately interested but decided...
Chirag is freshman studying computer science and astronomy. He is working with Dr. Mehta, a religions professor, as a Website Developer. He created a website that has interactive data visualizations...
Jinran (Gina) is a junior studying actuarial science and statistics. She is working as a Data Analyst with Dr. Gallagher, an assistant professor in the English department. She is working on a...
Maki is a senior studying global political economy. She is working for the Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL) as a Website Developer. She is working on a web page ...
Lily Ho is a junior studying computer science and astronomy, with minors in both business and informatics. She is working for ATLAS on the mobile Moodle development team. She is currently the Lead...